Wednesday 22 June 2011

final piece for my final majour project

for my final major project i decided to choose a subject i was interested in. i chose to make a poster for an oxfam campaign because i didn't know a lot about what oxfam do with there donations. 
throughout my project i learnt an awful lot about oxfam and design at the same time. i realized that you cant always incorporate something you want if it doesn't suit the subject, for instance i wanted this poster to be a lot more illustrative however it was a lot harder to get a serious matter across though an illustration. i also found out a great deal about crisis in africa and the terrible circumstances that people have to live in and why.
next year i shall be going to UCA maidstone to start my degree i illustration. I The course at maidstone was actually my third choice in universities to take this course however, unfortunately my portfolio wasn't strong enough to get into my first two options which where Falmouth university and then Kingston University. I do not see this as such a problem as i am still determined to get a transfer onto the illustration course at falmouth after a year at maidstone university.
i am currently working up my grades at college in my type project to get my required triple merit grade at the end of the week so that i can go on to do the course at maidstone. also throughout my summer holiday i plan to do a lot of sketching in my sketchbooks so i am more prepared for next year. i will be doing different things to gather more inspiration like going camping around the country and listening to different kinds of music as i find these the things that inspire me the most.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

i am down to the crutial final stages of my course, have to get 220 ucas points for my BA illustration course for UCA maidstone. and i currently am assesing and filling out projects in order to get my points up and get into the habbit of updating my blogger more often

end of year show

this is our end of year show, displaying for pieces of work for each student in the year group. we had to chooses our four best pieces, or relevant pieces of artwork that we had created in our time at Canterbury College.